Children’s Book Week
Fairplay is proud to partner with Children’s Book Week, which is more than 100 years old! We think reading is a wonderful way to go screen-free. Check out their site for free resources to celebrate or visit our resource library for suggestions on how to celebrate both weeks at the same time.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Our partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics ensures parents that Screen-Free Week has a medical stamp of approval, supporting the exercise, downtime, relationships, and restorative sleep kids need to grow healthy and strong. The AAP Family Media Plan is a great tool in continuing Screen-Free Week habits throughout the year.
Let Grow
Screen-Free week is proud to announce a new promotional partnership with Let Grow, an organization who is making it easy, normal and legal to give kids the independence they need to grow into capable, confident, and happy adults. You can find their Let Them Play Kit in our library.
Digital Wellness Institute
The Digital Wellness Institute is the premiere training and certification program for digital wellness education. Screen-Free Week is proud to be a Global Impact Partner for the Institute’s annual Digital Wellness Day.
We thank all of the organizations who endorse Screen-Free Week!
1000 Hours Outside | Action Coalition for Media Education | Action for Healthy Kids | Active Healthy Kids | Alabama Waldorf School | ALERTE | The Alliance for Early Childhood | America Walks | American Association for the Child’s Right to Play, IPA/USA | American Horticultural Society | American Public Health Association | American Specialty Toy Retailing Association (ASTRA) | American Student Council Association (ASCA) | Association for Experiential Education | Association Montessori International/USA | Association of Waldorf Schools of North America | Austin Montessori School | Avid4 Adventure | Badass Teachers Association | BC Alliance for Healthy Living | Be Active Kids | Berkeley Media Studies Group | Better Screen Time | Bloomer University | Brighter Futures Indiana | Canadian Paediatric Society | Cedarbrook Center | Center for Digital Democracy | Center for Humane Technology | ChangeLab Solutions | Charlotte Wildlife Stewards | Childhood Obesity Foundation | Children & Nature Network | Children and Screens | Children’s Advocacy Alliance | Children’s Fairyland | Children’s Nature Retreat Foundation | Children’s Screen Time Action Network | Class Size Matters | College Strong | Community Playthings | Concord Promise | Connecticut Public Health Association | Connecticut Storytelling Center | Connie Vee | Creative Kids Yoga | Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage | Da Vinci Waldorf School | Defending the Early Years | Denali Parent Coaching | Digital Media Treatment and Education Center | Digital Wellness Initiative | Durable Human | Eat Smart Move More SC | Earth Day Canada | Educated by Nature | Educators for Peaceful Classrooms and Communities | Edupax Canada | Ellis Early Education Center | The Emily Program | Environmental Learning Center | Eyes Up Wellness | Families First | Families Managing Media | Finger Lakes Toy Library | FIRST 5 Santa Clara County | Giraffa Education | GirlVentures | gofindit | Going Wild | The Grammie Guide | Greene Towne Montessori School | Grimm’s | Happy Dancing Turtle | Healthy Lifestyles Initiative | Healthy Screen Habits | Healthy Media Choices | Healthy West Chicago | High Mowing School | Holistic Moms Network | Home School Legal Defense Association | Iowa Healthiest State Initiative | Junipr Soul Expansion | KidsGardening | Kietoparao | Last Tree Laws | Les Chevaliers du Web | Life is Good Playmakers | LiveMore ScreenLess | Logoff Movement | LookUp.Live | Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics | MediaSmarts | Michael & Susan Dell Center Community Collaborative for Child Health | Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living | Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) | MOM’s Organic Market | National Association of Elementary School Principals | National Day of Unplugging | National Home School Association | National Parks Trust | National WIC Association | Natural Start Alliance | Nature Center at Shaker Lakes | Nature Nuts Forest Kindergarten| Network for Public Education | New Dream | New Moon Girls Magazine | New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute | No App for Life | North American Division of Seventh Day Adventists | Obligation, Inc. | Outdoors Alliance for Kids (OAK) | Outdoor Outreach | Outspoken Sex Education | P.E.A.C.E. | Parent Coalition on Student Privacy | Parents Across America | Parent Solutions| Pearlstone Center | PennState PRO Wellness | PEP | Play Scotland | The Playstore | Primrose Hill School | PPAC Coalition | Public Citizen | Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring | Reach Out & Read | River Mountain | Robin Brooks Art & Tai Chi Easy with Robin | The Rockfall Foundation | Roots of Action | Saskatchewan in motion | Save Childhood Movement | Screens & Kids | Screen-Free Parenting | Screen Time Clinic | Share Save Spend | ScreenStrong | Sierra Club | Sierra Harvest | Society for Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics | Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship | Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition | The Story of Stuff Project | Teodora Pavkovic: Parenting in the Age of Technology | Theresa Thoits, LMFT | Tiny Trees Preschool | The Toddler Playbook | Troubadour Music | TRUCE | Truckee Gymnastics | Turning Life On | Twig & Thread Consulting | US Play Coalition | Villa Villekulla Toys | Wait Until 8th | Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America | Waldorf School of Atlanta | Wartburg International School Europe | Washington Association for the Education of Young Children- Pacific Northwest Chapter | Watts of Love | Wellness in the Schools | While We’re Waiting | WIRED Schools | YMCA of Greater Seattle | ZERO TO THREE | Zone’in Programs | … and many, many individual endorsers!

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