Author Gordon Korman talks about his book, Unplugged
For Screen-Free Week 2021, we invited the authors from our Screen-Free Week Booklist, in partnership with the Children's Book Council's Children's Book Week, to send in videos of them reading or talking about their books. Enjoy these videos, as submitted by the...
Author reads Screen-Free Week Booklist Title
For Screen-Free Week 2021, we invited the authors from our Screen-Free Week Booklist, in partnership with the Children's Book Council's Children's Book Week, to send in videos of them reading or talking about their books. Enjoy these videos, as submitted by the...
CCFC Staff has FUN(GI) during Screen-Free Week
Each year during Screen-Free Week, we hear from thousands of people who unplugged in a variety of ways. Our CCFC team also takes time to celebrate each year. Since most of our work requires our computers and our team was working remotely, we got creative. So, we set...
Screen-Free Week Celebrated Across the Globe
From May 3-9, people around the world took the time to rethink their use of digital devices in favor of play, learning, and real connection. From single adults to whole schools, celebrations looked different. And the best thing is, they all count. Screen-Free Week is...
Embracing the Screen-Free Week Journey
Every year, Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood celebrates Screen-free Week during the first week in May. The ultimate goal of Screen-free Week is to be, of course, “screen-free.” Yet, in a pandemic world, simply reducing screen-time is still a big WIN....
For many of us, computing happens, well, on a computer. But William Lau, a teacher of computer science, media, and IT, based in London, UK, shows us that computing doesn’t have to take place on a screen. In fact, William created a whole book about it, called Computing...
Keeping the Screen-Free Week Spirit Alive during COVID
As we all continue to social distance, mask up, and take care of one another, Screen-Free Week may look very different in 2021! Towns in northern New York kept the spirit of Screen-Free Week alive this year. Read this guest blog post below for inspiration. And check...
Unplug to Giggle: A Screen-Free Saturdays Guide
Screen-Free Saturdays began as a way to keep us all in balance during the pandemic almost a year ago and what a year it has been! We have all weathered this storm in a variety of ways, and we are looking for ways to stay afloat and to heal. Let’s find some joy this...
Unplug to Love: A Screen-Free Saturdays Guide
Okay, okay. It’s a little cheesy, but don’t we all just need a little more love these days?! Our kids especially need examples of ways to express love and receive love that are meaningful to them. So, in this Screen-Free Saturdays guide, we’re offering a few ideas for...

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