Save the date! Screen-Free Week 2021

Save the date! Screen-Free Week 2021

At CCFC, our favorite time of the year is Screen-Free Week! In a typical January, we would begin our annual process of supporting celebrants all over the globe – in schools, in neighborhoods, in whole cities and countries – who join us for an entire week of unplugging...

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Resolve to Unplug

Making resolutions for the new year can feel a little different this year, but there’s one choice we can all make to give ourselves and our families a boost in the new year. We can look critically at our tech use for 2021 and make plans to fill up our time with...

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Unplug to Discover: A Screen-Free Saturdays Guide

How is it possible that it is October? I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for much these days, especially not cold weather. But, what I love about Autumn wherever I am, is that it invites us to notice change. Both adults and kids tune into the seasonal shift no...

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Unplug for Back To School

It’s back to school season, which for many of us means that we are establishing routines and getting back into the groove of getting the kids ready for school each morning. Yet, going back to school looks different this year. Almost all schools have screen-based...

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