It’s About Intention: 1000 Hours Outside Challenges Screen-Time
You’d never know that Ginny Yurich has inspired a global community by the way that she talks about herself. “I’m so normal,” she says. “There is nothing exceptional.” But the humble mom of 5 is the founder of 1000 Hours Outside, a blog and international movement to...
Your Screen-Free Week 2019 stories
Screen-Free Week 2019 was the best yet! Communities and families gathered to create, connect, and celebrate at 1,000 Screen-Free Week events in 24 countries and 49 states – and on every continent except Antarctica!
A volunteer’s view on Screen-Free Week
Hi there – my name is Kristen and I am the 2019 Screen-Free Week volunteer! It has been a pleasure getting to see all the wonderful events that you all have registered.
What we learned this Screen-Free Week
Here’s what the CCFC staff discovered about ourselves, our screens, and what it means to unplug during Screen-Free Week 2019.
Why you should Do Nothing this Screen-Free Week
When I first heard about Jenny Odell’s How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, I was immediately reminded of a Facebook Safety Seminar from 2018. Facebook’s head of research claimed smartphone use didn’t displace conversation, and instead people reached...
A High-Schooler Celebrates Screen-Free Week
Mary Holohan is a high schooler who celebrates Screen-Free Week with her family every year. In this blog, she tells us what it was like. My heart thumps violently. Sweat begins to pool on the palms of my hands. Anxiety wreaks havoc in my stomach. I begin patting...
Why a 20-something celebrates Screen-Free Week
As a young person who listened to vinyl records well before they came back into vogue, practiced my string bass for fun and hiked the 48 4000-foot-high peaks of New Hampshire before I turned 21, I’ve always been kind of screen-free. But it can be lonely to be a 20-something today. Sometimes I just wish you could turn the whole thing off.
Screen-Free Week at the Tiffin-Seneca Public Library
Helping families become more intentional at putting down their devices and inspiring them to think of ideas for screen-free fun all year long seemed like a win-win situation. So, in March 2018 we formed a small committee of staff members to help plan a full slate of activities for Screen-Free Week.
Why Disconnecting is Essential to Children’s Development
Parenting often has less to do with knowing what to do but doing what we know. Whether it is healthy eating or getting kids to bed on time, we have clear ideas about what is best. It’s making the right thing happen that’s hard.
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