You’re doing WHAAAAT?
By Julie Williams, Ed. Sp., Grand Blanc West Middle School, Michigan
It was an unusual week for some 8th graders in Julie Williams’ class at Grand Blanc West Middle School in Michigan. They started the week prior to May 2 by logging their activities for seven days. Most people noticed what a large part technology played in their lives. Then the challenge was issued, and 30 brave students and families tried going screen free for seven days! Raffle winnings were drawn all week to keep students dedicated to their endeavor. The group met at lunch to commiserate and think of things to do without their beloved devices. They also met one evening to bowl the old fashioned way by keeping track of their own scores! Last, Mrs. Williams threw a Celebration Party at lunch after the week was over for all those who finished the challenge. She followed through with her promise and downed a live goldfish for only those special participants. All her students reported that her “golden promise” was what kept them motivated until the end. Way to go West!